What is Closing Ratio in Blow Out Preventor (BOP)?
People asked me about what the closing ratio is and what it tells us. Closing ratio is defined as the cross sectional area of the ram piston (cylinder) divided by the cross sectional area of the ram...
View ArticleCasing Shoe Pressure While Circulating Influx in Well Control Situation
Many people ask us a lot of questions regarding shoe pressure while circulating kick (wellbore influx) out of the wellbore. We will summarize all the scenarios to help you get clearer picture. There...
View ArticleBasic Pressure Control – VDO Training
As you know well control is very important subject in drilling industry and in order to understand it clearly, you need to understand basic principle. This time we would like to share this excellent...
View ArticleAPI Ring Gaskets Used in BOP Connections
There are several API types of ring gaskets used in BOP connections and this is very important to personnel involving in drilling operation to know about it. API 6A: Specification for Wellhead and...
View ArticleWhy Do We Need To Minimize Influx (Kick)?
As you know, we’ve always been trained or told to minimize influx (kick). Nowadays, there are several tools and procedures guiding us to prevent large influx; however, interestingly there are quite a...
View ArticleBasic Blow Out Preventer – VDO Training
Blow Out Preventer is one of the most critical equipment on the rig therefore it is very important that you need to understand it. This VDO demonstrates the basic of BOP with a lot of colorful pictures...
View ArticleShale Gas Rig On Fire
This is information which I got from my friends and I would like to share with you in order to emphasize the important of well control. I am not sure about the rig name. See photos and details below;...
View ArticleBasic Understanding of Sub Sea BOP VDO Training
Sub Sea BOP is one of the most critical well control equipment in deep water drilling and it is a good topic for everybody working on the rig to learn. Today, we would like to share a valuable VDO...
View Article4-Way Valve Operation in Blow Out Preventer Accumulator (Koomey) Unit
4-way valves in the accumulator (Koomey) unit are used to control the position of Blow Out Preventer (BOP). Today we will go into the detail of 3 positions of 4-way vales in order to see how each...
View ArticleBullheading Well Control Method
Bullheading is one of the well control methods which may be utilized in some occasions in order to control the well. Concept of bullheading is to pump kicks back into formations by using kill weight...
View ArticleFracture Gradient Reduction Due to Water Depth
Fracture gradient is one of the critical information which drilling engineers need to know in order to design drilling programs. For the well control stand point, the fracture gradient directly affects...
View ArticleHard Shut-In Procedure while Drilling with a Subsea BOP Stack
Nowadays, deepwater drilling is one of the important parts of drilling in the world and there are a lot of ongoing deepwater operations. Our team will start focus on subsea well control and this topic...
View ArticleShut-In Procedure while Tripping with a Subsea BOP Stack
After we publish this article “Hard Shut-In Procedure while Drilling with a Subsea BOP Stack”, there are some people asking us about what about the shut-in procedure while tripping with a subsea stack....
View ArticleIntroduction To Well Control for Horizontal Wells
Currently, horizontal wells are widely drilled around the world because the production from the horizontal wells is outperform normal vertical or deviated wells at the same location. The productivity...
View ArticleKick Scenarios in Horizontal Wells For Well Control
Drilling horizontal wells are always in the development phase and people know the geological area pretty well. Additionally, they can accurately determine reservoir pressure of the target sand for the...
View ArticleKick Prevention for Horizontal Wells
After we’ve learnt several topics in regard to horizontal well control, today we will talk about how to prevent well control situation both while drilling and while tripping. Since the horizon well...
View ArticleBehavior of Gas in a Horizontal Well Kick
Gas kick behavior in horizontal wells is different from the gas behavior in normal wells (vertical and deviated wells). Gas follows Boyle’s gas law when it moves up to the shallower section of the...
View ArticleAbnormal Pressure Caused By Faulting
Fault is a discontinuity in a geological structure and it sometimes can create abnormal pressure. Hence, you need to really understand how the geological fault can cause higher pressure even though it...
View ArticleMud Gas Separator (Poor Boy Degasser) Plays A Vital Role in Well Control...
Mud gas separator located at downstream of the choke manifold is one of the important well control equipment that you need to focus. It separates gas out of the mud after the gas comes out of hole. Gas...
View ArticleKnow about Swabbing and Well Control
There are several situations when a kick is induced by swabbing effect. Today, we are going to discuss swabbing and well control situation. Swabbing is a condition when the string is pulled out of the...
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